Why Switch to Blue Ridge Bank?
Blue Ridge Bank has been assisting the banking need of businesses and individuals in our community since 1957. From day one, we've continued to provide our customers what they ask for: convenient community banking services.
Our bank is one of the safest banks in the country, according to the nation's leading bank rating and research firm, Bauer Financial.
Not sure where to begin? Don’t worry—just follow these easy steps to begin your journey with Blue Ridge Bank.

Step 1
We will need the following information from you to open your account.
Name(s) as listed on current accounts
Physical address (no PO Boxes)
Social Security number(s)/TIN
Date of Birth
Government Issued ID
Step 2
Visit any of our locations to open your new account. Our friendly Customer Service Representatives (CSR) will make the transition easy and can advise you on the accounts and services to fit your needs and lifestyle. We also invite you to view our personal and business products online.
While opening your new account, your CSR will provide you with a Welcome Packet that includes important contact information, instructions on how to sign up for Online Banking, how to reorder checks, and a preview of several account features.
Once your new Blue Ridge Bank account is funded, you may begin using it immediately. Stop using your old account, but don’t forget to leave enough funds in your old account to cover any outstanding checks or automatic payments.
Step 3
This is a very important step in making a smooth switch. It is a good idea to review past bank statements to confirm automated transactions you need to move.
Direct deposits – Any type of direct deposit needs to be moved to your new Blue Ridge Bank account. You will need to notify your employer of this switch to move the direct deposit to your new account.
Automatic Payments – Any type of automatic payment needs to set up to charge your new Blue Ridge Bank account. To contact your payees, most include a form with the monthly statement for you to enter your new account information. They might provide a customer service number that allows you to provide your new account information via telephone. Lastly, you may be able to change your account information on their website.
Online Bill Pay – If you’re using Bill Pay on your old account, don’t forget to print a list of your current payees and print your bill pay history for your records. Once you open your new account you can enroll in Online Banking which will allow you to enroll in Bill Pay. Once enrolled, you can set up your payees and recurring payments.
Step 4
Confirm all outstanding checks have cleared and all automatic transactions have been made. Once this is done, you may authorize your old bank to close your account.